Original Michigan Fiddlers Association
OMFA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting fiddle music.
Purpose of OMFA
OMFA exists.. * To sponsor the observance of fiddle music "jamborees" for the citizens of Michigan.
* To encourage, coordinate, and bring about a greater public interest in fiddle music activities throughout the State of Michigan.
* To assist the other music organizations and communities in programs where the purposes of such are consistent with the OMFA.
* To foster and encourage the collection and preservation of fiddle music to bring about a great knowledge and appreciation of our music heritage.
* To receive and disburse funds to achieve the purpose and objectives of this association. No part of any net earnings or funds collected by this association shall accrue to the pecuniary benefit of any officer, director or member of the association.
OFMA Beginnings
May 29, 1976 was the day the first jamboree happened, thanks to Paul Gifford, Bill White, along with some others, in Sheridan. These two young men were involved with the Original Dulcimer Players Club. Paul being the Secretary, had the list of musicians, and with a few contacts made , the first jamboree was ready to be held. (taken from OMFA 25 Years, Suzanne Hauter )